Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight delivers big!

I just got back from the "Dark Knight" and there are not words to describe how good it was. And Heath Ledgers Joker may be the craziest, scariest performance of all time.

I used to think that nobody did crazy as well as Jack Nicholson but my mind has been changed. We are all the poorer for having lost such a colossal talent.

I wait all year for the summer movies. And many times I have been disappointed. But not this summer. No way!

I thought that "Iron Man" was going to be the movie event of the summer, but I also really liked "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "The Incredible Hulk" was kind of fun, "Get Smart" was way better then I expected, "Wall-E" was adorable, the first half of "Hancock" was great, "Hellboy 2 and the Golden Army" was the bomb, and now "The Dark Knight" goes and blows them all away.

It is a great summer to be a movie fan, that is all I have to say.

1 comment:

  1. It rocked!!!

    and I too was blown away that someone else could do SCARY way scarier than Jack....

    it was a great movie....

    ( I still loved Ironman)..


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